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Antique Automobile Club of America Richey Region Car Club

  The Antique Automobile Club of America is the country's oldest historical society. A Pennsylvania 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, it is dedicated to the preservation, restoration and maintenance of automobiles and automobile history. Founded in Philadelphia in 1935, its membership has grown to over 60,000 members from all parts of the world. AACA holds country-wide competitive meets and non-competitive tours. These are on a divisional basis offering a program within everyone's reach. Tours and activities related to the hobby are offered, including the revival AAA Glidden Tour, Founders Tour, Vintage Tour, Reliability Tour, Sentimental Tour, and Divisional Tours. The Annual Meeting features a trade show, seminars and the National Awards banquet.

    AACA is proud of its relationship with the many historical organizations devoted to similar objectives the world over. The club, through its national office, publications, and membership, aids individuals, museums, libraries, historians and collectors dedicated to the preservation of automotive history.


    Motor vehicles of all types, 25 years or older are grouped for competitive purpose into many classes according to age and mechanical features. AACA has a comprehensive judging system that allows members to earn special awards for their vehicles. AACA also recognizes original cars, Historic Preservation of original features (HPOF) and unmodified 25 year and older vehicles that are driven, Drivers Participation (DPC). the club also recognizes classes of motorcycles, trucks and documented race cars. Further details can be found in our judging guidelines which are available online at www.aaca,org.



                                                                                              The Magazine

    AACA's official publication ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE is the country's foremost automotive historical magazine. Amply illustrated, it is distributed bi-monthly to all members. It contains many fine historical articles, meet and tour accounts, technical articles on restoration and other material. In addition, it includes commercial and classified advertising. Advertisers may obtain a rate card from Antique Automobile Club of America, National Headquarters, 501 W. Governor Road, Hershey, PA 17033

                                                                                            Regions And Chapters

      There are approximately 400 regions and chapters by the Antique Automobile Club of America worldwide. Regions  and their chapters are administered in an autonomous manner holding their own meetings,  collecting local dues and conducting  runs, meets and other events under the direction of the respective elected officers. Membership in the national Antique Automobile Club of America is a prerequisite to joining a region or chapter.

                                                                    AACA Library and Research Center

     Founded in 1981, the AACA Library & Research Center provides historical research concerning the origins of and the development of motorized vehicles of all types. The library will assist hobbyists in the restoration and preservation of their antique vehicles. The AACA employs a full-time library staff to better serve the membership. Photocopying (including color) and research services are available through the Research Center at nominal fees. Members qualify for limited free research. Visit or call 717-534-2082.  




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